Enhanced Visibility for Multi-Layer Reporting Structures in Reviews
in progress
Gina O.
We want the ability to view reviews for multiple layers within the reporting structure, beyond just direct reports and the first level of indirect reports. Introduce functionality to expand visibility across various layers in the reporting structure, providing a more comprehensive view of reviews for all team members under a specific leader.
Feti Durakbasi
in progress
Ali Wong
I'd also like the option to lock visibility, to only their immediate direct reports and not cascade. Ex. CEO is seeing his direct reports org's and reviews, would be great to build it into the user profile to allow or limit visibility. This helps in streamlining and curating views on the dashboard within modules like reviews.
Feti Durakbasi
Merged in a post:
Structured View by People Lead in Reviews
Expand the Reviews module to allow Leads to view their entire organizational structure, grouped by each People Lead under them. Currently, a Lead can only see two layers below, but this feature would provide a full hierarchical view for better clarity and team organization.
Teamflect Product Team
Teamflect Product Team
Hello Dear Gina, we will release this feature by the end of January.
Hello Dear Dominika, we have added this functionality to our backlog. We hope to release it until the end of January :)
Teamflect Product Team
Jan 🏆 Thanks Jan for replying faster than us